Why Hiller Measurements?

Why Hiller

Achieve quality at speed with Hiller Measurements Flow Control: A risk-focused approach to excellence.

You’ve Heard it All

“You can hand everything about your test needs over to us and forget about it.”

Turns out you can’t. Many test partners will back out if your TRD isn’t complete. Even if they entertain your project, your need is evolving alongside product development and not completely determinable on day one. Actually, you do need to be involved but it’s unclear how much, or when.

“A great test system must be 100% customizable to meet your needs.”

So, you get a universal test system. It’s great on paper, with everything you could ever need. But actually, you won’t need half of the features that cost more than you’d like to admit. And it needs custom work for the niche functionality that sets your product apart.

“Outsourcing will help you get a cost-effective test solution quickly.”

This one is true, in the short term. But without a partner helping you at the enterprise level, disparate test solutions developed by various partners lack standardization and documentation. You’ll likely spend more supporting these systems than you paid for them.


We’re not here to make you an empty promise.

We’ve implemented Hiller Measurements Flow Control, a proven process that moves from static cell to moving manufacturing line to standardize processes and lean out production.

We’ve found that by making significant changes in the engineering design process and offering fewer but better value-added options, we can deliver custom solutions without the burden of starting every design from scratch. Ultimately, we deliver a better cost experience and risk-mitigated options.


Interested in Learning

Contact us to find out more about visiting the Hiller Measurements Design and Manufacturing Center.

Quality at Speed


Quality in talent, design, documentation, and execution.


Speed in agile design and lean manufacturing.


Hiller Measurements Preferred Instruments

Hiller Measurements Flow Control design and manufacturing process hinges on offering you premium, risk-mitigated instruments. These proven instruments are carefully selected to offer you reliable performance and cost-effective value. Hiller Measurements Flow Control Preferred Instruments must:

  • Have proven quality through three prior Hiller Measurements applications
  • Offer a minimum of three years of selling and support by the instrument provider
  • Have guaranteed delivery to Hiller Measurements by the instrumeAnt provider
  • Be supported by a Hiller Measurements developed driver
  • Be supported by a Hiller Measurements cable design and rackmount kit
  • Be supported by a Hiller Measurements self test

Why We’re
Making a Paradigm Shift

Shifting to an agile software development approach and lean manufacturing allows us to save time, budget, and risk for our customers. We ultimately deliver higher quality products, at a lower cost, on deterministic schedules.

Jeff Olsen

President, Hiller Measurements

This approach allows us to offer the instruments that have proven themselves as the best options, and use processes that keep systems moving through production rather than adding risk and variables to each project.

Christian Miller

VP Sales, Hiller Measurements

Mitigating Risks with Quality at Speed

Addressing Measurement Science Risks

In order to deliver quality at speed, physically mitigating measurement science risk is our first priority. Before a contract is set, Hiller’s engineering teams begin the identification, logistics, and plan to vet new instruments, measurements, and innovation at the bench level on the way to a program’s Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Once a contract is accepted, the assigned program team immediately proceeds with executing the measurement science risk mitigation plan.

Addressing Schedule Risks

HMFC takes an aggressive approach to risk mitigation in fundamental areas of test system design. For example, by completing critical design reviews early and using proven instrumentation with Hiller Measurements Flow Control, we’re able to identify and mitigate risks quickly.

Addressing System Design Risks

HMFC recognizes these system design risks as a primary area for organized risk mitigation. We address these risks in a variety of ways:

  • The HMFC catalog contains past, reusable, design objects that have already been physically vetted in harness design, standard enclosures and parts, and circuit design topologies that minimize the exposure to System Design risk.
  • We employ the latest technologies in manufacturing, including 3D printing, UV printing, and fast PCB prototyping to enable our mechanical design activities to operate in sprint-fashion.
  • Every new design is approached with re-usability in mind to allow Hiller to continually offer less and less exposure to System Design Risk as our body of work grows.
Addressing Supply Chain Risks

The HMFC catalog provides an up-to-date design palette of instruments and tools providing the greatest value to our clientele in capability to achieve quality at speed. As part of the HMFC instrument approval process, Hiller Measurements works with each vendor in the catalog to ensure dedicated availability, by implementing our own stocking strategy, a consigned inventory provided by the vendor, or a guaranteed lead time strategy. In this manner, Hiller can minimize the negative impacts of historic part availability delays.

Addressing Communication Risks

HMFC ensures quality at speed in each type of project (System Design, Build-to-Customer-Print, Instrument Design), defining a proven process for program execution. Central to each design and development stage is a series of reviews, roles, and documentation expectations all meant to ensure seamless communication across the design team, and between the team and the client. Managing expectations, deadlines, and work scope are all critical to delivering quality at speed.

Learn More About Common Problems Hiller Solutions Solves.

Hiller Measurements Flow Control Benefits

Agile Design
Lean Manufacturing
On-Budget Development
On-Time Shipment
Ready to get started on a test solution?